Dual frequency
- 10 - 250 kHz
- TFT LCD, with Day/night screen
- Data in/outputs and - Analog outputs.
- Possibility for external printer
- Low and high frequency
- 24 hours depth recording
AC: 230V/115V 50/60Hz. DC: 20-32V
Power Consumption 50W at 24V, 70W at 230V or 115V
Display 10,4” color TFT.
Printer External printer, Contact Skipper.
Memory 24 Hour storage. ( Other on request. )
Ranges Selectable from 0-10m to 0-1600m.
Measuring Accuracy Better than 1%
Channel 1 From 50khz to 250khz, 1khz step
Channel 2 From 10khz to 50khz, 1khz step
Output power 2kW, adjustable
Depth alarms Deep and shallow water alarms.
Calendar / Clock Year-month-day / Hours-min.-sec.
24 hour system
Outputs Trigger and bottom-pulses.
Analog 4-20mA, and 0-10V for depth.
Detected video.
NMEA 0183
Alarm relays.
Output for VGA.
Output for standard PC printer. ( HP )
Inputs 100/200 pulses for speed, NMEA 0183
for speed, position, heading and time.
Languages English, French, German, Spanish,
Russian, Norwegian.
Option Remote depth indicators.
Remote keyboard. Printer. Ice tank.
Classification Made acc. to IMO performance standard.
Service Available in most major harbours,
World-wide through extensive dealer