Tron 40 GPS

GMDSS float free satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon, EPIRB.
Compact model. Flexible mounting. Designed for fast and easy service and maintenance.Integrated 12 channel GPS module for maximum positional accuracy.
Operates on the SARSAT/ COSPAS frequency 406 MHz. Identification and positioning via satellite. Transmits also on the air traffic emergency frequency 121,5 MHz for homing.
Integrated Gps Module 12 Channels
- World wide Coverage
- Fast and accurate position adding LAT/LON to distress transmittion
- Manual or automatic operation
- Float Free release bracket
- Compact Design
- Easy and Flexible Mounting
- Designed for fast and easy Service
- Easy remote programming of vessel identity
- Strong 10KM visible Xenon Strobe Lights
- Lithium Battery non hazardous for shipping
- Approved according to IMO regulations
When ordering Tron 40S, the following information must be submitted:
- The nationality of the ship
- The call sign of the ship
- The MSSI no.of the ship