50 khz, Output power 500 W 6" paper
SKIPPER 603 Echo sounder
* 6 inch dry recording paper.
* 4 basic ranges - 50, 100, 250, 500 meters.
* Phased ranges down to 1100 meters. Both meter and fathom scale included.
* 300 or 500 watts transmitting power to the transducer.
* Continuously variable pulse length, paper speed, receiver gain and time gain (TVG/STC)
* Digital readout may run independently - with the recor- der stopped.
* Skipper 603 operates from all DC voltages between 11 and 48 volts, without further adjustments.
The modern cast aluminiurn cabinet is splash proof. It will fit nicely in any wheelhouse, mounted on bulkhead or in panel. The Skipper 603 features give the users all opportunities to get fine and detailed information for optimal use of gear, boat and crew.