Ta-74xx VHF / AM Transmitter

TA-7410/25/50 (10/25 or 50W output power) covers all channels from 118-137 MHz (optional 156 MHz). It has a multi/single channel.
TA-74xx is delivered in a 19" 3HU subrack and has 25 kHz (optional 12.5/8.33 kHz) channel spacing. It has a user friendly frequency change by 2 push-buttons. All local control of operating aspects can be done from operators panel. A built-in automatic test equipment (BITE) is continuously checking important parameters.
Covers all channels from 118 to 137MHz (Optional 156 MHz).
Fixed frequency operation field programmable (local or remote).
Input voltage from 21.6 to 31.2 VDC or 115VAC/230VAC.
Local control of all operating aspects directly from operators panel.
Remote control via RS232/RS485 selectable serial databus.
Up to 128 units on the same 2 wire remote line - RS 485.
Built in automatic test equipment (BITE) continuously checking important parameters.
Built-in coaxial antenna relay for main/standby configuration.
Alarm signal shown on front panel and available on remote lines.
Alarm signal may be used to enable another transmitter for automatic main/standby system.
"Meets or exceeds EN 300 676 specification".
LED display User friendly frequency change Remote/local switch Hi/Low LED indicators.