TR-710 Mobile

760 Channels and 10W output power Channel spacing 25/8.33 kHz in the band 117-137MHz Synthesizer, microprocessor controlled Large, clear and dazzle-free graphical display with backlight illuminated keyboard with adjustable intensity.
Large powerful loudspeaker. Jog-wheel control giving the user full control over volume, squelch, channels, frequency and settings in menus menus - Excellent large signal capabilities, giving very good co-location capabilities (exceeds specifications). Adjustable output power, 1-10 Watt (40 watt PEP), in five steps. Built In Test Equipment (BITE) monitors the TR-710 and gives an alarm if a fault is detected. The BITE also decreases time spent on finding faults. Can be equipped with headset. Headset can be used together with internal loudspeaker. Malfunction connector with 600 Ohm line in and out, squelch relay, key relay, key in, monitor output, gas alarm and external speaker.
The compact design facilitates simple vehicle installation. With the new TR-710 transceiver we have made vehicle to air communication easier. The functions are easy to see, with background lighting in the LCD-display and keyboard. The equipment is supplied with mounting bracket, plug-in microphone, loudspeaker and vehicle mounted whip antenna.